Category Archives: Club News

Head for Height’s

  • 19 September 3
  • 19 September 5
  • 19 September 6

19th September 2015
It is never a good idea to land your plane on the trees - but sometimes needs must and you find that this is where you end up.

Luckily we have out expert forester's on hand to save the day.

Model was retrieved safely and flew again another day.




Barry’s NewPlane

Her we have a video of our new member Barry arriving to Roundwood with his first plane for inspection and test flight.
It is always exciting when a new club member arrives to see and feel his or her new creation taking off for its first flight.
As always, experienced RC pilots give the new plane the obligatory safety check.
The Motor, new from a shop, needs to be tested and adjusted.

Sneak preview of interior of a very large Grob

  • photo 1
  • photo 4.1

I received an anonymous tip from Tony G about one of our members secretly building a new plane.
I hope to get more images over the next few weeks.

Back to the future

  • Hugo A cert
  • Pilatus Porter PC6
  • Hangar 9 Katana 50

Hugo Achieves A cert June 2012. ( as Carlsberg would say "probably the best pilot it the club" )
January 2013 Hugo a go go in the snow with Pilatus PC6 (youth + enthusiasm = every day is a flying day)
September 2013 Hangar 9 Katana 50 ( This will do for now, to be continued )