We would all like to extend our congratulations to Joe T and Des D who both successfully took and passed the A Cert examination today. Olly has now cut them free to fly solo into the distance - well done again lads
We all have problems dealing with the Center of Gravity for our planes. Some of us have purchased special balancers to do job, others have come up with their own ingenious methods to solve the problem. As the planes get bigger the problem of establishing the C of G also gets more of a challenge - have a look at some of our members methods and pay particular attention to the last one - now there is a man who believes " necessity is the mother of invention"
What a great day we had to day - we were all there to support Nicky on his photo debut and from the attached images I am sure you will agree that he is a very photogenic member and looks great in the shots - there were of course a few other members there to day but Nicky was the most impressive on the day. He also has a great appetite and enjoyed Bevan's delicious creations - Enjoy
Well the fantastic weather has taken a little breather for the moment - but we still managed to get some decent flights over the course of the last few days - a nice variety of models took to the air.