Spring At Last

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  • KT

At last the weather was kind to us today - the first truly flyable day we have had in a long while brought out the flyers and their latest creations. I guess some of us had a busy winter building and I am told there are more new planes to follow - enjoy the photos of a great day's flying

KT IMG_5960 IMG_5957 IMG_5956 IMG_5953 IMG_5942 IMG_5935 IMG_5934 IMG_5931 IMG_5923 IMG_5920 IMG_5919 IMG_5906 IMG_5904 IMG_5902 IMG_5893 IMG_5892 IMG_5891 IMG_5889 IMG_5886 IMG_5884 IMG_5882 IMG_5881 IMG_5880 IMG_5866 IMG_5865_1

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